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Part 1- Releasing The Blog

Releasing The Blog

Well, it is no secret that I have been blogging for some time, and although I have tried to give it structure it was not 'gelling' with what I wanted to achieve. Well, not in the bigger picture anyway.

So, I will start this particular post with my goals.

My Four Main Objectives.

  • To gain visibility

  • To earn income through blogging

  • To promote my writing business through blogging

  • To create social enterprise

On this point I have to say I did earn enough money from Steemit to develop my writing business, so there has been a huge achievement on the income front.

Blogging Platforms


My Personal Website



Now that is clear I will list my content for my 'website' blog

  • Aubrey Fox blog themes (My author alter ego)

  • Tommy Fox Travels (Tommy travels the globe with friends taking pics and reliving stories)

  • Clean Eating & healthy lifestyle (Read about me attempting to get fit!)

  • Aubrey Fox movie reviews (As and when I watch a film- I watch ALOT of movies)

  • Man On The Moan (Real life accounts from the moaning man in my life)

  • Art Work (Read and observe my attempts at Art Work)

  • Study Days ( Follow me through my days as a mature Art & Humanities student)

  • Tarot Lessons (Learn about the tarot through the use of poem)

  • Hamish In Memory (Fun animal stories that will carry on the memory of my beloved pooch Hamish)

  • 30 shades of blogging (Follow me as I learn to blog across different social media platforms)

I may well add more but these are the categories I will be starting with.

I hope you follow me on my journey....

Tomorrow I will be talking SEO...say what????

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