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Words have power - Treasure

Over the years I have learnt so much about people and situations, my experience has highlighted a number of things that I would like to share with you. Although I have studied counselling, I am not a qualified counsellor, I am a hands on coach, a person who develops people and ideas.

The following words identify key aspects of life development.

Treasure, love, Uncertainty, Regrets, Secret and Home.

This is a post revisited and adapted. All these words links and here is the first.


Sometimes when people become stuck in a stituation, to treasure something can become lost or can become an obsession. So I ask the question, what things do you treasure? Have your “treasures” changed. Is it material, a memory or a person?

Whatever it is remember it for what it was or is…not what it could be, because that is something that is uncertain. If you live your life with the 'what ifs' it’s hard to enjoy the moment. Treasure things as they are whether a memory, or in the here and now, because that’s one of the key components of love (next power word) The pictorial vision of treasure above shows abundance of wealth. Treasuring someone or something has the same feeling of abundance. That wonderful feeling of adoration for someone, or something.

Treasure it.

To be continued...

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