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Tommy Fox attends my first Creative Writing Class

I am so pleased to report that I have now got a creative writing assignment. As much as I have enjoyed (or not) my other assignments, this one really does appeal. I actually really enjoyed my last assignment on the authority of Buddhism- That's not sarcasm, I actually did, which was a surprise!

Anyway I had my first creative writing lecture on Saturday and who better to accompany me than our Aubrey's mascot- Tommy Fox

So in the lecture we were told we need to focus on the following writing areas:


A framework of language that is defined by its 'social' context

Genre (Language Genre)

A context of writing defined by its form and purpose (e.g a sermon)

Discourse community

A gathering of minds focusing on a particular register of language

(I will be writing ore on these subjects as I learn more)

It's really useful to get to grips with the terminology and guidance that this degree is giving me. In the last 18 months I have learned so much and found a new interest in religious studies. (oddly enough- I didn't expect that!)

I always joke that I did my training the wrong way round, I wrote a book and THEN did an arts degree that specialises in creative writing.

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