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The Unglamorous Truths About Working From Home- Part 7-Making friends out of objects

Continued: 8 reasons to NOT work at home

  • I live in organised chaos

  • Sitting for long periods has made my bottom the size of the moon

  • I walk around leaving jobs half done like some lost mental patient

  • I have now become a huge fan of Jeremy Kyle- This is no joke it actually happened.

  • No-one else does any housework because apparently, that is my job being at home all day

  • The animals create opportunities to distract me from my work at ANY given opportunity.

  • I have become a social recluse and I am a midget gem away from creating a friend out of a football.

  • For sale sites and eBay have become the most effective way of spending my earnings…boom!!

Part 7

It is a sad fact that working at home can be lonely. It is hard to understand that I appreciate, given that my days are extremely busy as point 1-6 suggest, but it is all the same very isolating.

As a result, you start to talk to the animals as if they are human, the postman drifts into an uncomfortable silence as he is almost talked him into a coma, and you start to randomly talk to yourself, or anything that is in your way. My husband, well at least who I think he is ( Looks a bit like the man on a photograph in the house) breezes in after his work and moans that I insist on talking at him when all he wants to do is rest and eat his tea. The craving for conversation is constant.

I had a bizarre conversation with a carrot once, but that is for another story.

Listen up buttercups, if you want to remain sane, get an outlet. It worked for Tom Hanks in Castaway when he made a friend called Winston out of a football.

I may make a face on the TV screen and kill two birds with one stone. That should get a conversation out of the hubs!

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