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What Are The Motives Around Being Charitable?

This might sound OBVIOUS, but please humour me and focus on this for a minute.

I talk a lot about myself as a new writer, but my degree is in community studies. I used to develop charities and social enterprises. My job was to develop happier and sustainable communities.

Sounds very happy clappy, I know, but I did this for 15 years and it was such a rewarding job.

There is a lot you notice about people who do things for the community and there are general types, you will notice them on here. Some may appear to be 'bad guys' but they all have a place in our charitable world. I am going to give them names.

The Smug Sprout.

The do-gooder who creates a lot of opportunity and voice for the community, in the vain hope of getting their face splashed across the media

The Pied Piper

Leaders of groups who have a social mission for the better good. It could be the leader of a church group with a religious calling, a community group with a charitable cause or a focus group for a struggling individual.

The Back Scratcher

The business gurus fulfilling their SCR (Social and corporate responsibility), a local authority who has to hit targets, or a paid individual.

The Social Maverick

A passionate individual who carries on regardless, jumping from one project to another to spread the good of the community.

There are a few more I could name but these are most general.

My philosophical thought

My point is, it doesn't matter what the motive behind it is if it is doing good.

We can ignore the ego's if it gets good results that are SUSTAINABLE

Have you a charitable role and motive? I am a bit of a back scratcher, as I get paid to develop others. It's my job. But I am passionate about supporting writers in different circumstances, so I am also a bit of a social maverick. There is nothing wrong with either of those, if it makes a positive difference.


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