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An anniversary to remember...or not!

Shenanigans of the moaning man.

So today we are sat watching TV as I hint about the up and coming 'first meet' anniversary and my birthday. As usual there are a few grunts and a slight nodding of head.

' You do know what day it is next week don't you? It's a really important day...' I ask him out of morbid curiosity, crossing all my fingers and toes in hope that he hadn't forgotten.

'Yes, it's remembrance Sunday. That reminds me, I need to buy a poppy.' His eyes are still focused on the TV screen.

'Not that special day, another one.' I knew he was trying to wind me up, and it was working.

'I think it may be a special Canadian holiday.'


He shakes his head. ' Yes I know it's your birthday, how can I possibly forget? You have given me your birthday present demands.'

'It's not just my birthday though is it? It's another special day.'

He looked at me as if I was talking in a completely different language.

'It's our anniversary you Idiot. You know...the day we first met!'

'Well it's not really an anniversary is it? Not like our wedding day.'

'How bloody romantic.' I sat stunned as I watched him drag himself from the armchair to fetch something from the kitchen. I shout loud enough from him to hear me.

'6 years...6 whole bloody years. Give me strength. I don't know how I manage it.'

He pokes his head around the living room door.

'You're such a hero, you should be given a medal for all your hard work and commitment to the course.' He disappeared to the kitchen again and I shout back in a disgruntled response.


He appears again.

'You what?'

'It's not hero it's heroine.'

'I could do with some of that...ease the pain.'

I laugh. 'It's not heroin you need, you need a upper. Something to give you a bit of zest for life. Try laughing gas, that would make a delightful change.'

'You should try amphetamines, but that would involve movement. Wait...Is there a drug called move? That would be suitable for you.' Once again he was taking the mickey out of my sitting down job.

I shook my head and gave in with the conversation. I concluded that he knows exactly what day it is and just enjoys doing what he does best.


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