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The Unglamorous Truths About Working From- Part 2

Ok, so here is Part 2!

8 reasons to NOT work at home

  • I live in organised chaos

  • Sitting for long periods has made my bottom the size of the moon

  • I walk around leaving jobs half done like some lost mental patient

  • I have now become a huge fan of Jeremy Kyle- This is no joke it actually happened.

  • No-one else does any house work because apparently, that is my job being at home all day

  • The animals create opportunities to distract me from my work at ANY given opportunity.

  • I have become a social recluse and I am a midget gem away from creating a friend out of a football.

  • For sale sites and eBay have become the most effective way of spending my earnings……………boom!!


I have a bottom that is slowly growing to the size of Uranus (no pun intended). Being sat down all day does not burn any calories, no matter how much you dress it up or cut down on the sweet stuff. What actually happens is this. I get up to stretch my legs, arch my back and do some weird circling movements with my legs before I venture downstairs and get a drink. I am feeling rather tired from staring at a computer screen all day so decide I need a pick me up, which in my case is in the form of a Kit Kat and a large mug of tea. I also grab a drink and wobble back up stairs. This happens around 3 times per day (lunch excluded) although the Kit Kat may be swapped for a biscuit or a yogurt. I plop my backside back in my chair and continue back to work. This probably consists of around 250 steps during the working day. Not very productive really. That was then.

The realisation of my big butt dawned one day as a result of one of my beloved family members pointing out they were on button alert. I joined a fat club and boot camp as a result.

I have lost two stone since. Oh please do stop are making me blush.

So my tip is move more, or watch your family duck from flying buttons and laugh at you getting your fat butt stuck in the chair.

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