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What Does Christmas Mean To You ?

Christmas is a time for joy and festivities...Right ?

This morning I put up the Christmas tree whilst listing to some lounge jazz. It made me feel all festive and warm, knowing that in a few weeks I will be celebrating it with my loved ones. I enjoy Christmas.

Not everyone does.

Not everyone enjoys this time of year, but some do. We are all different and we should respect that, for some it's closing their eyes and waiting for it to disappear because of sad memories or a dislike of the tradition.

And that's hard to do because let's face it...we cannot avoid is everywhere!

My son works for a large company that does secret santa gifts for children who live in children's homes. They get the name and age of a child and then they all send off a present from 'santa'

There are thousands that work at that company and it is so humbling that big corporate companies organise things like this. If every big company focused on making the most of their Corporate Social Responsibilities, we would live in such a better world.

Anyway Christmas to me means family, love, time and merriment. I'm not religious so it's not a christian thing as such, but the gift of 'giving' at this time of year is the tradition I am happy to follow.

We lost my stepdad this year and our family dog. Both very suddenly, so we hold our friends and family close.

Back to my question...what does Christmas mean to you?

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