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The beauty of having both a 'website blog' and a 'Crypto' blog to maximise impact.

Just to recap...

October saw a 30-day campaign that promoted the publication of my first novel. In 30 days I created a blog series that not only displayed my self-publishing journey, but also captured the emotion of it.

One for the memory bank...

It's hard to write a book, let alone publish one. It takes a lot of time, a thick skin, and dedication.

But the hard work certainly comes after.

Publishing books are only one strand of my enterprise, as I also do a number of other things, and one thing I did learn through my campaign is that my social media marketing strategy needed to change.

I know a bit about marketing as I used to manage a marketing officer in a previous role, but I suppose what I have done before is only touch the surface of marketing as I never really considered the depth, time and commitment it truly needs to make a business flourish.

Now, I have a social marketing plan, and over the last 6 weeks, I have been working on the SEO's of three business websites. I am using blogs as a driving force. The Steemit Platform being one of them.

How Steemit enhances my business. (Powered by BlockchainTechnology, Crypto currency is used to give rewards to authors by votes)

My local contacts are not recognising the value of Steemit yet...but are intrigued by the concept. When I explain how it works, and the effectiveness of search engine optimisation, people listen. However, it is still at a stage where people are very dubious. People want to see credible websites and familiarity. So, to my local contacts and people outside of Steemit, I link my website, but I include Steemit in blogs, and links. I envisage when Steemit is a little older, the trust factor may step up a gear.

The benefits of Steemit blogging

  • It's great with SEO

  • It has a growing community that offers support

  • It pays in rewards

  • It is an interesting subject to discuss (I had 10 minutes the other day trying to explain Steemit to 30 fascinated people- I think one joined)

  • Over time it can be a monetised business blog just like a normal blog with affiliate marketing (example)

Benefits of a website blog

  • You can categorise for easy searching (You can categorise Steemit blogs too!)

  • Different blog themes can create more traffic through clever tagging

  • You can add affiliate marketing and other schemes to monetise

  • Some web blogs do not come with a community, so it's harder to showcase your blog, however you can add web address to your Steemit/other blogs and link to all social media.

  • With a web blog you can design as flamboyantly as you like!

So, six weeks has seen the development of three websites, all that include blogs for web traffic. My oldest blog is coming up to two months old and has got an average of 450 views this month, mostly through my blog page.

Once my google analytics pages have created a couple more months of data, I will share the analytics.

My websites. (No blog hosting)

Websites with blogs

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