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The Unglamorous Truths About Working From Home- Part 5 (You do all the housework!)

Continued: 8 reasons to NOT work at home I live in organised chaos Sitting for long periods has made my bottom the size of the moon I walk around leaving jobs half done like some lost mental patient I have now become a huge fan of Jeremy Kyle- This is no joke it actually happened. No-one else does any house work because apparently that is my job being at home all day The animals create opportunities to distract me from my work at ANY given opportunity. I have become a social recluse and I am a midget gem away from creating a friend out of a football. For sale sites and eBay have become the most effective way of spending my earnings…boom!! Point 5: Yes..this is a biggie. Picture the scene. You wake up in the morning staring at your closed eye lids, snuggled up warm in bed, dreaming of a place far far away with hot sands and beautiful blue waves lapping at your feet. Then you screech so loud that the neighbours call all the emergency services as they are not quite sure which one fits the bill (Ok I may have slightly exaggerated) I will be in fear of the cat who will at that point in time, be jumping all over my face because I have dared to stay in bed after the others have got up and started their day (Why they can't feed him is beyond me...but still) After being spared my life, I waddle downstairs after nearly breaking my neck on the leaning tower of pisa..sorry I got a little confused there. I mean the ironing pile at the bottom of the bed. Then low and behold, I am greeted with dishes that have created their own game of Jenga on the draining board. It's miraculous that pots can do that ON THEIR OWN! Well it wasn't anyone else...apparently. After running errands for everyone else, I settle down to do my own self-employed work after sweeping the decks, cleaning the floors and wading through all the laundry. I survive feeding the cat, who every day insists he is a Panther ready to pounce on his prey. Normally a parcel is delivered in the afternoon for one of my lot or a neighbour (as everyone on the street and in our house appears to be at work or just generally out every day. Oh I must include my mother's deliveries in that also) This really interrupts my creative flow. Then I cook tea at night...well I tend to sling everything in the slow cooker and hope for the best. Everyone arrives home, then pokes fun at ME for sitting at home all day in my pyjamas ! Then the next day I wake up to do it all again...........................................(extra ellipsis for more emphasis) It's groundhog day!! Isn't it joyful?

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